Trigonometri Materi Sma Kelas 10

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  2. Trigonometri Materi Sma Kelas 10


Trigonometri Materi Sma Kelas 10

Trigonometri Materi Sma Kelas 10

Trigonometri merupakan cabang dari ilmu matematika yang mempelajari tentang segitiga dan lingkaran. Di SMA, materi ini biasanya akan mulai diajarkan di kelas 11. Yuk, cari tahu selengkapnya mengenai materi yang satu ini. Sekilas tentang Materi Trigonometri SMA Materi trigonometri SMA terbagi menjadi beberapa bagian. Materi Dan Bahan Ajar Trigonometri Kelas 10. Saint seiya dubbed english. Lks Trigonometri. Deskripsi lengkap. Integral Trigonometri. Inilah rrp tentang materi SMA kls X trigonometri. Fungsi Trigonometri - kalkulus. Full description. Report 'MATERI TRIGONOMETRI' Your name.

Trigonometri Materi Sma Kelas 10

The aim of the research was to determine the effect of learning models on mathematics achievement viewed from the student's logical mathematical intelligence. The learning model compared were Group Investigation of cooperative learning model, Think Pair Share of coopeartive learning model, and direct instruction model. The type of the research was a quasi-experimental research. The population of this research was all of the X grader of State Senior High School (SMA) in Sukoharjo Regency. The sample was taken using stratified cluster random sampling, with 321 students as the sample consisting 108 students for first experiment class, 108 students for second experiment class, and 105 students for control classes. The result of research showed that: (1) group Investigation of cooperative learning model gave the best achievement among the models Think Pair Share of cooperative learning model and direct instruction model, and Think Pair Share of cooperative learning model gave better achievement than direct instruction model, (2) group of student with high logical mathematical intelligencehad the best achievement among the models group of student with middle logical mathematical intelligence and group of student with low logical mathematical intelligence, and group of student with middle logical mathematical intelligencehad better achievement than group of student with low logical mathematical intelligence, (3) at each logical mathematical intelligence categories (high, middle, and low), Group Investigation of cooperative learning model gave the best achievement among the models Think Pair Share of cooperative learning model and direct instruction model, and Think Pair Share of cooperative learning model gave better achievement than direct instruction model, (4) at each learning models (Group Investigation of cooperative learning model, Think Pair Share of cooperative learning model, and direct instruction model), group of student with high logical mathematical intelligencehad the best achievement among the models group of student with middle logical mathematical intelligence and group of student with low logical mathematical intelligence, and group of student with middle logical mathematical intelligencehad better achievement than group of student with low logical mathematical intelligence.