Free Photoshop Text Styles

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  1. Free Photoshop Metal Text Styles

While there are many people searched for Photoshop text effects tutorials, there are also minimal number of people who searched for free Photoshop text styles. Photoshop tutorials are indeed a great help for newbie as it discuss not only the step by step tutorials but also the techniques, workflow and proper usage of different design elements integrated in the tutorial.

Imagine, below are 750 Photoshop layer styles of realistic effects to choose from. With a simple click, you can instantly apply distinct layer styles to your text. Every designer knows, depending on the project of course, that adding beautiful layer styles can truly bring your projects to life.

But for professional designers who always have hectic schedule, they always find ways to reduce the time consumed of creating such effects repeatedly. It is because creating the same elements, styles, and effects in different projects are not applicable for them as it wastes their time.

This is where the power of Photoshop layer styles will arise. Layer style is one of the most powerful presets of Adobe Photoshopas it store the effects used for future work purposes. It allows user to create text effects within just a few clicks.

Today’s collection of free Photoshop layer styles will help you to create metal text effects without following any step by step tutorials. These freebies are collections of text effects for different kinds of metals such as gold, silver, bronze, chrome, steel and more.

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    Free Photoshop Layer Styles: 10 Metal Text Effects

    Creating metal text effects in Photoshop is not hard anymore because of these freebies. You just need to type anything you want and use any of these free layer styles and boom! Your simple and plain font will be transformed into epic looking designs.

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    4 Free Metal Text Effect Styles

    Photoshop provides a variety of effects—such as shadows, glows, and bevels—that change the appearance of a layer’s contents in a non-distructive way. Layer effects are linked to the layer contents. When you move or edit the contents of the layer, the same effects are applied to the modified contents. For example, if you apply a drop shadow to a text layer and then add new text, the shadow is added automatically to the new text.

    A layer style is one or more effects applied to a layer or layer group. You can apply one of the preset styles provided with Photoshop or create a custom style using the Layer Style dialog box. The layer effects icon appears to the right of the layer’s name in the Layers panel. You can expand the style in the Layers panel to view or edit the effects that compose the style.

    You can apply multiple effects in a single layer style. Also, more than one instance of some effects can comprise a layer style.

    Layers panel showing layer with multiple effects applied

    A. Layer effects icon B. Clickto expand and show layer effects C. Layereffects

    Whenyou save a custom style, it becomes a preset style. Preset stylesappear in the Styles panel and can be applied to a layer or groupwith a single click.

    You can apply preset styles from the Styles panel. The layer styles that come with Photoshop are grouped into libraries by function. For example, one library contains styles for creating web buttons; another library contains styles for adding effects to text. To access these styles, you need to load the appropriate library. For information on loading and saving styles, see Create and manage preset styles.


    You cannot apply layer styles to a background,locked layer, or group.

    Normally, applying a preset style replacesthe current layer style. However, you can add the attributes ofa second style to those of the current style.

      • Click a style in the Styles panel to applyit to the currently selected layers.

      • Drag a style from the Styles panel onto a layerin the Layers panel.

      • Drag a style from the Styles panel to the documentwindow, and release the mouse button when the pointer is over thelayer content to which you want to apply the style.

        Note: Hold down Shift as you click or drag to add (ratherthan replace) the style to any existing effects on the destinationlayer.

      • Choose Layer > Layer Style >Blending Options, and click the word Styles in the LayerStyle dialog box (top item in the list on the left sideof the dialog box). Click the style you want to apply, and click OK.

      • When using a Shape tool or Pen tool in shape layersmode, select a style from the pop‑up panel in the options bar beforedrawing the shape.


      Some effects have a + icon, indicating that they can be applied more than once in a layer style.

    • In the Layers panel, Alt-drag(Windows) or Option-drag (Mac OS) the style from a layer’seffect list to copy it to another layer.
    • In the Layers panel, click-drag the style from a layer’seffect list to move it to another layer.
    1. Click the triangle in the Styles panel,Layer Style dialog box, or Layer Style pop‑up panel in the optionsbar.
      • Text Only to view the layer styles as alist.

      • Small Thumbnail or Large Thumbnail to view the layerstyles as thumbnails.

      • Small List or Large List to view the layer stylesas a list, with a thumbnail of the selected layer style displayed.

    You can edit styles applied to a layer or create newstyles using the Layer Style dialog box.

    Layer Style dialog box. Click a check box to apply the currentsettings without displaying the effect’s options. Click an effectname to display its options.

    You can create custom styles using one or more of the following effects:

      Drop Shadow

      Adds a shadow that falls behind the contents on the layer.

      Inner Shadow

      Adds a shadow that falls just inside the edges of the layer’s content, giving the layer a recessed appearance.

      Outer Glow and Inner Glow

      Add glows that emanate from the outside or inside edges of the layer’s content.

      Bevel and Emboss

      Add various combinations of highlights and shadows to a layer.


      Applies interior shading that creates a satiny finish.

      Color, Gradient, and Pattern Overlay

      Fills the layer’s content with a color, gradient, or pattern.


      Outlines the object on the current layer using color, a gradient, or a pattern. It is particularly useful on hard-edged shapes such as type.


    You cannot apply layer styles to a backgroundlayer, a locked layer, or a group. To apply a layer style to a backgroundlayer, first convert it into a regular layer.

      • Double-click the layer, outside the layer name or thumbnail.

      • Click the Add A Layer Style icon at the bottom of the Layers panel and choose an effect from the list.

      • Choose an effect from the Layer > Layer Style submenu.

      • To edit an existing style, double-click an effect displayed below the layer name in the Layers panel. (Click the triangle next to the Add A Layer Style icon to display the effects contained in the style.)

    1. Set effect options in the Layer Style dialog box. See Layerstyle options.
    2. Add other effects to the style, if desired. In the LayerStyle dialog box, click the check box to the left of the effectname to add the effect without selecting it.


      You can edit multiple effects withoutclosing the Layer Style dialog box. Click the name of an effecton the left side of the dialog box to display its options.

    1. In the Layer Style dialog box, customizesettings as desired.
    2. When you next open the dialog box, your custom defaultsare automatically applied. If you adjust settings and want to returnto your custom defaults, click Reset To Default.


      To return to Photoshop’s original defaults, see Restore preferences to default.

    For the Bevel and Emboss effect, sets the height of the lightsource. A setting of 0 is equivalent to ground level, 90 is directlyabove the layer.

    Determines the lighting angle at which the effect is appliedto the layer. You can drag in the document window to adjust theangle of a Drop Shadow, Inner Shadow, or Satin effect.

    Blendsthe edge pixels of a contour or gloss contour. This option is mostuseful on small shadows with complicated contours.

    Determines how the layer style blends with the underlyinglayers, which may or may not include the active layer. For example,an inner shadow blends with the active layer because theeffect is drawn on top of that layer, but a drop shadowblends only with the layers beneath the active layer. In most cases, thedefault mode for each effect produces the best results. See Blendingmodes.

    Shrinks the boundaries of the matte of an Inner Shadow orInner Glow prior to blurring.

    Specifies the color of a shadow, glow, or highlight.You can click the color box and choose a color.

    With solid‑color glows, Contour allows you to create ringsof transparency. With gradient-filled glows, Contour allows youto create variations in the repetition of the gradient color andopacity. In beveling and embossing, Contour allows youto sculpt the ridges, valleys, and bumps that are shaded in the embossingprocess. With shadows, Contour allows you to specify the fade. For moreinformation, see Modifylayer effects with contours.

    Specifies the offset distance for a shadow or satin effect.You can drag in the document window to adjust the offset distance.

    Specifies the depth of a bevel. It also specifies the depthof a pattern.

    This setting allows you to set one “master” lighting anglethat is then available in all the layer effects that use shading:Drop Shadow, Inner Shadow, and Bevel and Emboss. In any of theseeffects, if Use Global Light is selected and you set a lightingangle, that angle becomes the global lighting angle. Any other effectthat has Use Global Light selected automatically inherits the sameangle setting. If Use Global Light is deselected, the lighting angleyou set is “local” and applies only to that effect. You can alsoset the global lighting angle by choosing Layer Style >Global Light.

    Creates a glossy, metallic appearance. Gloss Contour is applied aftershading a bevel or emboss.

    Specifies the gradient of a layer effect. Click the gradientto display the Gradient Editor, or click the inverted arrow andchoose a gradient from the pop‑up panel. You can edit a gradientor create a new gradient using the Gradient Editor. You can editthe color or opacity in the Gradient Overlay panel the same wayyou edit them in the Gradient Editor. For some effects, you can specifyadditional gradient options. Reverse flips the orientation of thegradient, Align With Layer uses the bounding box of the layer tocalculate the gradient fill, and Scale scales the application ofthe gradient. You can also move the center of the gradient by clickingand dragging in the image window. Style specifies the shape of the gradient.

    Specifies the blending mode of a bevel or emboss highlightor shadow.

    Varies the application of a gradient’s color and opacity.

    Controls the drop shadow’s visibility in a semitransparentlayer.

    Specifies the number of random elements in the opacity ofa glow or shadow. Enter a value or drag the slider.

    Sets the opacity of the layer effect. Enter a value or dragthe slider.

    Specifies the pattern of a layer effect. Click the pop‑uppanel and choose a pattern. Click the New Preset button tocreate a new preset pattern based on the current settings. ClickSnap To Origin to make the origin of the pattern the same as theorigin of the document (when Link With Layer is selected), or toplace the origin at the upper-left corner of the layer (if LinkWith Layer is deselected). Select Link With Layer if you want thepattern to move along with the layer as the layer moves. Drag theScale slider or enter a value to specify the size of the pattern.Drag a pattern to position it in the layer; reset the position byusing the Snap To Origin button. The Pattern option is not availableif no patterns are loaded.

    Specifies the position of a stroke effect as Outside, Inside,or Center.

    Controls which portion or range of the glow is targeted forthe contour.

    Specifies the radius and size of blur or the size of the shadow.

    Blurs the results of shading to reduce unwanted artifacts.

    Specifies the source for an inner glow. Choose Center toapply a glow that emanates from the center of the layer’s content,or Edge to apply a glow that emanates from the inside edges of thelayer’s content.

    Expands the boundaries of the matte prior to blurring.

    Free Photoshop Metal Text Styles

    Specifies the style of a bevel: Inner Bevel creates a bevelon the inside edges of the layer contents; Outer Bevel creates abevel on the outside edges of the layer contents; Emboss simulatesthe effect of embossing the layer contents against the underlyinglayers; Pillow Emboss simulates the effect of stamping the edgesof the layer contents into the underlying layers; and Stroke Emboss confinesembossing to the boundaries of a stroke effect applied to the layer.(The Stroke Emboss effect is not visible if no stroke is appliedto the layer.)

    Smooth, Chisel Hard, and Chisel Soft are available forbevel and emboss effects; Softer and Precise apply to Inner Glowand Outer Glow effects.


    Blurs the edges of a matte slightly and is useful for alltypes of mattes, whether their edges are soft or hard. It does notpreserve detailed features at larger sizes.

    Chisel Hard

    Uses a distance measurement technique and is primarily usefulon hard-edged mattes from anti-aliased shapes such as type. It preservesdetailed features better than the Smooth technique.

    Chisel Soft

    Uses a modified distance measurement technique and, although notas accurate as Chisel Hard, is more useful on a larger range ofmattes. It preserves features better than the Smooth technique.


    Applies a blur and is useful on all types of mattes, whethertheir edges are soft or hard. At larger sizes, Softer does not preservedetailed features.


    Uses a distance measurement technique to create a glow andis primarily useful on hard-edged mattes from anti-aliased shapessuch as type. It preserves features better than the Softer technique.

    Applies a texture. Use Scale to scale the size of the texture.Select Link With Layer if you want the texture to move along withthe layer as the layer moves. Invert inverts the texture. Depthvaries the degree and direction (up/down) to which the texturingis applied. Snap To Origin makes the origin of the pattern the sameas the origin of the document (if Link With Layer is deselected)or places the origin in the upper-left corner of the layer (if LinkWith Layer is selected). Drag the texture to position it in thelayer.

    Whenyou create custom layer styles, you can use contours to controlthe shape of Drop Shadow, Inner Shadow, Inner Glow, Outer Glow,Bevel and Emboss, and Satin effects over a given range. For example,a Linear contour on a Drop Shadow causes the opacity to drop offin a linear transition. Use a Custom contour to create a uniqueshadow transition.

    Youcan select, reset, delete, or change the preview of contours inthe Contour pop‑up panel and Preset Manager.

    Detail of Layer Style dialog box for Drop Shadow effect

    A. Click to display the Contour Editor dialog box. B. Clickto display the pop‑up panel.
    1. Select the Drop Shadow, Inner Shadow,Inner Glow, Outer Glow, Bevel and Emboss, Contour, or Satin effectin the Layer Style dialog box.
    2. Click the contour thumbnail in the Layer Style dialogbox.
    3. Click the contour to add points, and drag to adjust thecontour. Or enter values for Input and Output.
    4. To create a sharp corner instead of a smooth curve, selecta point and click Corner.
    5. To save the contour to a file, click Save and name thecontour.
    6. Click OK. New contours are added at the bottom of thepop‑up panel.
    1. Clickthe contour in the Layer Style dialog box, and in the Contour Editordialog box, and then choose Load. Go to the folder containing thecontour library you want to load and click Open.
    1. Click the inverted arrow next to thecurrently selected contour to view the pop‑up panel. Press Alt (Windows)or Option (Mac OS), and click the contour you want to delete.

    Using global light gives the appearanceof a common light source shining on the image.

      • Choose Layer > Layer Style >Global Light. In the Global Light dialog box, enter a valueor drag the angle radius to set the angle and altitude, and click OK.

      • In the Layer Style dialog box for Drop Shadow, InnerShadow, or Bevel, select Use Global Light. For Angle, enter a valueor drag the radius, and click OK.

      The global lighting applies to each layer effectthat uses the global lighting angle.

    When a layer has a style, an“fx” icon appearsto the right of the layer’s name in the Layers panel.

    1. Choose Layer > Layer Style >Hide All Effects or Show All Effects.

    Expand or collapse layer stylesin the Layers panel

      • Click the triangle next to the Add A Layer Style icon to expand the list of layer effects applied to that layer.

      • Click the triangle to collapse the layer effects.

      • To expand or collapse all of the layer styles applied within a group, hold down Alt (Windows) or Option (Mac OS), and click the triangle or inverted triangle for the group. The layer styles applied to all layers within the group expand or collapse correspondingly.

    Copying and pasting styles is an easy way toapply the same effects to multiple layers.

    1. From the Layers panel, select the layercontaining the style you want to copy.
    2. Select the destination layer from the panel, and chooseLayer > Layer Style > Paste Layer Style.

      The pasted layer style replaces the existing layerstyle on the destination layer or layers.

      • In the Layers panel, Alt-drag (Windows)or Option-drag (Mac OS) a single layer effect from onelayer to another to duplicate the layer effect, or drag the Effects barfrom one layer to another to duplicate the layer style.

      • Drag one or more layer effects from the Layers panelto the image to apply the resulting layer style to the highest layerin the Layers panel that contains pixels at the drop point.

    A layer style may have been fine-tuned for atarget resolution and features of a given size. Using Scale Effectsallows you to scale the effects in the layer style without scalingthe object to which the layer style is applied.

    1. Select Preview to preview the changes in the image.

    You can remove an individual effect from astyle applied to a layer, or remove the entire style from the layer.

    1. In the Layers panel, expand the layer styleto see its effects.
    1. In the Layers panel, select thelayer containing the style you want to remove.
      • In the Layers panel, drag the Effects barto the Delete icon .

      • ChooseLayer > Layer Style > Clear Layer Style.

      • Select the layer, and then click the Clear Stylebutton atthe bottom of the Styles panel.

    To customize or fine-tune the appearanceof layer styles, you can convert the layer styles to regular imagelayers. After you convert a layer style to image layers, you canenhance the result by painting or applying commands and filters. However,you can no longer edit the layer style on the original layer, andthe layer style no longer updates as you change the original imagelayer.


    Free Photoshop Text Styles

    The layers produced by this processmay not result in artwork that exactly matches the version usinglayer styles. You may see an alert when you create the new layers.

    1. In the Layers panel, select the layer containingthe layer style that you want to convert.
    2. You can now modify and restack the new layers in the sameway as regular layers. Some effects—for example, InnerGlow—convert to layers within a clipping mask.

    You can create a custom style and save itas a preset, which is then available from the Styles panel. Youcan save preset styles in a library and load or remove them fromthe Styles panel as you need them.

    1. Fromthe Layers panel, select the layer containing the style that youwant to save as a preset.
      • Click an empty area of the Styles panel.

      • Click the Create New Style button at the bottomof the Styles panel.

      • Choose New Style from the Styles panel menu.

      • Choose Layer > Layer Style >Blending Options, and click New Style in the Layer Style dialogbox.

    2. Enter a name for the preset style, set style options,and click OK.
      • Double-click a style in the Styles panel.If the Styles panel is set to display styles as thumbnails, entera new name in the dialog box and click OK. Otherwise, typea new name directly in the Styles panel and press Enter (Windows)or Return (Mac OS).

      • Select a style in the Styles area of the Layer Styledialog box. Then choose Rename Style from the pop‑up menu, entera new name, and click OK.

      • When using a shape or Pen tool, select a style fromthe Style pop‑up panel in the options bar. Then choose Rename Stylefrom the pop‑up panel menu.

      • Drag a style to the Delete icon atthe bottom of the Styles panel.

      • Press Alt (Windows) or Option (Mac OS),and click the layer style in the Styles panel.

      • Select a style in the Styles area of the Layer Styledialog box. (See Applypreset styles.) Then choose Delete Style from the pop‑upmenu.

      • When using a shape or Pen tool, select a style fromthe Layer Style pop‑up panel in the options bar. Then choose DeleteStyle from the pop‑up panel menu.

      • Choose Save Styles from the Styles panelmenu.

      • Select Styles on the left side of the Layer Styledialog box. Then choose Save Styles from the pop‑up menu.

      • When using a shape or Pen tool, click the layerstyle thumbnail in the options bar. Then choose Save Styles fromthe pop‑up panel menu.

    1. Choose a location for the style library, enter a filename, and click Save.

      You can save the library anywhere. However, if you placethe library file in the Presets/Styles folder inside the defaultpresets location, the library name will appear at the bottom ofthe Styles panel menu when you restart the application.


      You can also use the Preset Manager to rename,delete, and save libraries of preset styles.

    1. Click the triangle in the Styles panel,Layer Style dialog box, or Layer Style pop‑up panel in the optionsbar.
      • Choose Load Styles to add a library tothe current list. Then select the library file you want to use,and click Load.

      • Choose Replace Styles to replace the current listwith a different library. Then select the library file you wantto use, and click Load.

      • Choose a library file (displayed at the bottom ofthe panel menu). Then click OK to replace the current list,or click Append to append the current list.

    2. To return to the default library of preset styles, chooseReset Styles. You can either replace the current list orappend the default library to the current list.


      You can also use the Preset Manager to load and reset style libraries. See Work with the Preset Manager.

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